DIY Frappuccino Drink!

Summer time is here and why not enjoy it by drinking a Frappuccino once in a blue moon?

I drink this once in a while as a treat to myself ONLY if I have a sweet tooth. I have to keep my skin on "FLEEK!"

As I stated in my previous video, I try to keep my sugar intake to a minimum.

You all are more than welcomed to follow my instructions on how to make my Frappuccino! I will not say it is the best of the best because I have not tried making any other flavors besides caramel.

To be quite honest, I do not usually have any measurements I stick to when I make my drink, I just usually "eye-ball it" aka have an eye for how much of an ingredient I want in my beverage.

When creating this drink, you just want to have fun with it too! Therefore, it is your choice of how much of an ingredient you want to add to it.

"To each to his/her own."

Here is the list of following ingredients that I used in the video:
  • Bottle Water.
  • Any brand of coffee... I particularly used Maxwell House, the original roast.
  • Any flavor/ brand of creamer.... I used Nestle, the original.
  • Ice.
  • Caramel Syrup.
  • A splash of 2% milk (if you are lactose like I am).
  • Blend everything together.
  • Drizzle Caramel inside of cup.
  • Pour blended Frapp. into cup.
  • Add Whip Cream on the top if wanted. (I just chose not to add that to my drink).
  • Lastly, add caramel on the top to top it off.
If you are broke and trying to save your coins this is the best alternative to turn to over the summer by doing it yourself!

I hope this helps some viewers out there!

- Much Love šŸ’–


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